Friday, July 12, 2013

Going Home, Jerusalem!

Dearest family and friends

Mukama yebazibwe!!
Sorry it has been so long since we blogged! But I assure you that the past two weeks, we have created the most amazing memories that we will NEVER forget.  We will try our best to summarize our time for you.  To start, Uganda has forever stolen our hearts! 

Let's rewind to sunday June 26! It was a day full of church. First service Missy spoke on walking with Jesus everyday and second service Chloe spoke on the restoration of Uganda! God really showed up!! Then later, we had a night full of worship, where we were constantly being pulled up on stage and forced to dance in front of the crowd! It was a night we won't forget where us mzungus taught some of our crazy dance moves! 

Monday, June 27th, was such a fun day where we began our project of painting Faith Children's Home! We made awesome new friendships with some hilarious Ugandan men (don't worry parents, we aren't interested!) 
All day we painted, sang songs, danced, and laughed till our sides hurt! On our walk home from painting, we came across a beautiful lady sitting outside of her house named Maria. She asked for prayer over her tongue and back. She was so desperate for a miracle. We all laid hands on her porch and cried out for a miracle for our precious new friend! 

The next day, Tuesday, before our painting extravaganza began, we stopped by Maria's house and she told us she was PAIN FREE!! It was a moment that we will always cherish! 

After our painting, we went to a high school where Corinna spoke on forgiveness! It was so powerful. We were able to led 5 students to The Lord that day. UNREAL!! As we prayed over those precious souls, the rain came so hard; we have realized that every time we pray over people as they give their lives over to The Lord, it seems to rain! God reminds us that He is pouring down love and providing nourishment for those planted seeds!

Next day we finished painting the orphanage! It was the funnest afternoon with our new friends teaching them line dances and them teaching us new songs while we painted! After we finished we went to the Mabira rainforest and had a two hour walk! Quite an adventure full of snakes, bugs, and monkeys!

Thursday was all of our first time to spend Fourth of July in another country! it was a beautiful day except our dear Chloe was sick. :(  we went to the high school where Beth spoke on being bold in your faith! It was such an empowering message!! Then, we went to the hospital. It was by far the hardest thing we have done in Uganda.  Our team split up with a translator where we would go bed to bed by ourselves (and the translator) and pray over and lay hands on the sick. We first went to the children's ward where we saw children dying of diseases that are treatable but they just do not have the money. It was the hardest thing we have ever seen. The mothers were so utterly hopeless and were so appreciative of our prayers. Some would even ask for us to pray twice just because they were that desperate.  They don't even have simple pain meds in the hospitals where in the America we have an oversupply and constantly have people overdosing on them! That why the hospital was especially hard for us because you see people in excruciating pain absolutely suffering with no meds to help. Then we went to the men and women's ward. When we looked into their eyes, they were utterly hopeless. But they constantly thanked us saying we gave them a little more hope to fight. We don't say this to bring glory to ourselves, but to bring glory to the Christ, the source of hope (Romans 15:13). After our time in the hospital, we had our nightly church service where we all spoke on foot washing and then washed over 50 Ugandans feet and prayed for them. If you have never washed feet before, it is the most powerful act. First, we began by washing pastor Hudson and mama Mercy's feet. We all could barely pray over them because we were crying so much! Then we washed all our new families feet. After we finished, pastor Hudson shared. He told us he never gets speechless, but we made him speechless. The people all agreed and began telling us that we are family! We have ever felt more loved by more people at once than that moment right there.  It was a time we will NEVER forget. 

Friday July 5th was yet again another amazing day! We taught Zumba and swing dancing to the children of Faith. So fun! Then we journeyed onto Jinja. We stopped at the King Fisher Resort where Pastor Hudson baptized Beth and Missy in Lake Victoria/the Nile! It was a beautiful moment that represented their new life in Christ. Then we shopped around in Jinja (our favorite town) and practiced the art of bargaining! After, we had a glorious dinner at Chilly Willy (greatest Indian restaurant in Lugazi) where the owner treated us. We were so stuffed we thought we would explode! Naan on naan on naan! 

On Saturday, we rode our first public taxi called a Matatoo with Mama Mercy. On our journey we encountered the crazy drivers of Uganda when a bota bota (motorcycle) hit our taxi! It was a crazy time but no one was injured. Then we met Hudson for lunch where we had yet another coffee milkshake (our fav!) and then adventured off to Hudson and Mercy's sons Emma and Gift's boarding school. We made many new friends and danced to Waka Waka by Shakira with them. Everyone loves that song here! After, we went to Faith Children's Home and loved on our new family there. 

Sunday, Beth spoke on being bold and Corinna spoke on forgiveness! They really ministered to many hearts. It was a long day of church which ended in another night full of worship and we danced until our legs almost fell off! The moment that touched are heart the most was a little girl came up and prayed over us. It was so precious to see. The children here truly love Jesus. We are learning from their faith everyday. 

Monday, we ventured to Hudson's village where we met his precious parents. On the way to the village, Hudson asked all of us to speak at the conference we were attending there. We all had a "deer in the headlights" look on our faces! But God gave us all the words to say. It has been so cool to see how God has taught us how to preach. We used to speak for 10 minutes with it all written out, but now we speak for 40 minutes without any notes and God just laying something on our hearts! It's a true testimony of how God works and how He is constantly speaking to us. After we all spoke, we led one lady to Christ. Then we prayed over at least 40 people of all different ages with many heart breaking situations. It was a beautiful afternoon full of God's presence. 

Tuesday, we had a lovely day of rest! We slept in and then went to a beautiful resort in the rainforest where we just relaxed by a pool. Then, we went back for church. Chloe spoke about the power of the Holy Spirit, after she was finished she invited us up to pray over her and others. That night we were all blessed by God from praying over many people for healing, receiving the Holy Spirit, and much more. God moves when you ask Him, and He definitely moved that night. 

Wednesday morning we taught PE to the little ones at Faith School. Then, we went to the hospital where we prayed over the women. Once again it was a difficult experience, but we did see some of the women we prayed for the last time we went, leave the hospital which was such an answer to prayer!! After, we went to our lovely Jinja where we shopped and relaxed in an American style coffee shop! Then we went to the Uganda's annual agricultural fair. Once again we had a crazy fun day with our new parents Hudson and Mercy.  

On Thursday we learned patience due to Ugandan time. We were told we would go to the hospital at 10 which turned into 12! We were there for a short time to pray over the children. It was so hard to see the little ones suffering, but we will contend for a miracle for our new little friends! Next, we went to a high school where Missy spoke about having Idols before God. After, we then relaxed at home until we had our last prayer meeting. 

Today, we taught PE where we did a classic boys vs. girls relay! The Ugandans are quite competitive so it was a very fun time. Now, we are at our favorite coffee shop,The Source, in Jinja getting our last iced latte before we leave on Monday. Tonight we have an overnight worship and prayer service. It is going to be such a fun evening! 

We cannot believe this trip is coming to an end. It has been the best adventure of our lives. But now we feel like we are called to be ambassadors in the US and raise funds that are desperately needed for the Faith Children's Home and School. So if you have been following our blog and God places the desire on your heart to donate to the kids here, please contact us. Anything helps these precious angels. We feel like family to the children here and are going to do whatever it takes for them to have the future the deserve.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is extraordinary! God is so good. What an enormous amont of faithfulness on both your part and the Lords! I love hearing these stories. It breaks my heart to hear about the people that are in need of medicines. I will pray for God to bring people for that need. Love you all so much!
